Annotated Bibliography

About Us: Overview. (n.d.). The Humane Society of the United States. Retrieved October 5, 2010, from

An important organization that protects animals is the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). In fact HSUS is the “nation’s largest and most effective animal protection organization”. This organization does a variety of things from rescuing animals to treating injured animals. They even hold events to raise money for these animals such as the Humane Society’s walk for the Animals. They also campaign harmful practices involving animals such as dogfights and cockfights. This organization is influential and is a key in creating a “humane and sustainable world for all animals”. The HSUS is gradually raising awareness of animal cruelty and is allowing people to participate in saving animals that have suffered from all forms of abuse. Animals don’t have a voice of their own so it is important that we stand up to protect them and that is what HSUS gives everyone the opportunity to do.

Arluke, A. (2006). Just a Dog: understanding animal cruelty and ourselves (animals, culture, and society). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

While the above site provides useful information on an organization that helps these animals it fails to provide sufficient material on the consequences for animal abuse or neglect. Arnold Arluke thought “researchers had failed to unearth the meanings and consequences of animal abuse and neglect” so he researched the consequences in order to share this knowledge with others. His research goes even further and talks about the causes of animal abuse such as psychological reasons. He talked to individuals about why they abused animals and what they felt after they did so. In order to put a stop to animal abuse consequences must be put into place. By reading Just a Dog people can understand the punishments for animal abuse.

Dogfighting Fact Sheet. (n.d.). HSUS in the Field >> Animal Fighting: The Final Round. Retrieved October 5, 2010, from

There are many forms of animal abuse and some are more overlooked than others. Dog fighting should be considered animal abuse. In dog fights dogs are forced to fight each other only to entertain the onlookers. The dogs have no choice when it comes to fighting and are sometimes provoked until they fight. The Humane Society of the United States raises awareness about dog fighting by writing the article cited above. This article provides facts on dog fighting and what can be done to prevent it from happening. According to this article dog fighting also affects people because these dogs are often raised to be aggressive and can attack an onlooker. Dog fights should be put to a stop not only to protect the dogs themselves but also other people.

Silberman, Morton S. (1988). Animal welfare, animal rights: the past, the present, and the 21st century. The Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine, 19 (4), 161-167.

It is important to look at the history of animal abuse to better understand this issue. Animal abuse has been around for a long time. In the 19th century the issue of the humane treatment of animals began to be recognized. Organizations were formed to promote awareness and protect animal rights. The America Society to Prevent Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) started a movement in 1869. There are now several other organizations such as the Animal Humane Association (AHA) and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) in place. Animal welfare is an ongoing issue. Organizations are there to help fight for animal rights and provide information on animal abuse.

Sunstein, Cass R. (2003).The rights of animals. The University of Chicago Law Review, 70 (1), 387-401.

The argument of whether animals deserve rights has been brought up many times over the years. Cass R. Sunstein is a professor of law at Harvard Law School. He wrote an article that states his position on animal rights, “one that puts the spotlight squarely on the issues of suffering and well-being”. This article allows the reader to get a better sense of the variety of abuse animals suffer. It also provides information on laws that are out there to protect animals, laws that are not being properly enforced. Sunstein provides his theory on what can be done to better enforce these laws such as “allowing private suits to be brought in cases of cruelty and neglect. “ Many people have at least a slight consideration of animal rights. This article provides sufficient evidence as to why animals deserve rights.

Unchain Your | Animal Cruelty Photos, Chained and Neglected Dogs. (n.d.). Help Chained Dogs | A Common Form of Animal Cruelty. Retrieved October 7, 2010, from

Sometimes little information can impact someone more than a large amount of information. On the website listed above pictures of dogs chained are combined with a few words about their situations. Just by looking at these pictures you can see how much these animals suffer. They are chained and neglected. Unchain your dog is an organization that hopes to educate people “about keeping dogs continuously chained, and the importance of helping chained dogs”. The site provides a link to an article about how you can help these dogs. It also provides a place where you can make a donation. These dogs deserve our help. If we don’t fight for them who will?

Wolf, S. (n.d.). Fighting Animal Cruelty: The Veterinarian's Legal Role in Animal Cruelty Cases : ASPCA Professional. ASPCA Professional: Connecting Professionals with Animal Welfare Tools and Resources. Retrieved September 30, 2010, from

Every year thousands of animals are abused, neglected or abandoned. Many times these animals continue to suffer because they are left in these situations with no means of help. Often animal abuse is hard to detect and is not reported. The site listed above helps give people a better understanding of what animal abuse is. Stacy Wolf, vice-president and Chief Legal Counsel of the Humane Law Enforcement, provides important information on animal cruelty and what veterinarian’s jobs are in these cases. Veterinarians can determine if an animal has been abused or neglected through examinations. They are crucial in providing this evidence in cases of animal cruelty.